Regarding victim-offender relationships, crime data continues to display that perpetrators of sexual violence are frequently intimately acquainted with their victims. Contrary to popular belief, a reported eight out of ten rapes perpetrated against women and girls across middle- and high-income western countries, are committed by a person known to the victim, while stranger rapes account for just a small proportion of recorded rape offences (CPS 2017; DoJ 2017; RAINN 2019; Waterhouse et al. 2016). However, it is important to note that data suggests a quite different victim-offender profile among male rape victims, with stranger rapes against single men being much more prevalent (see Murphy et al. 2022). Globally, 30% of women who have been in an intimate relationship report having experienced sexual and domestic violence at the hands of an intimate partner (Peterman et al. 2015; WHO 2017) and in E&W, more than half of all serious sexual offences (56%) are committed by a current or former partner (MoJ 2013). Again, data reveals IPR (i.e., rape perpetrated by a person with whom the victim/survivor is or has previously been in some form of intimate relationship with) is a burden most often borne by women. In fact, crime figures indicate women experience IPR at a rate of five times that of men (ONS 2018; Rothman et al. 2003). Figures also display IPR (sometimes termed domestic rape) is particularly pervasive within same-sex relationships. Compared to 35% of heterosexual women, 44% of lesbian women and 61% of bisexual women report experiences of IPR and physical violence (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, NCADV 2018). Whilst beyond the scope and focus of the present review, it is important to recognize that gay and bisexual men report comparable rates of intimate partner sexual violence as women within same-sex relationships (NCADV 2018).
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Given that a plethora of studies over the past 40 years have found rape myths to negatively impact juror fairness and impartiality (for reviews see Dinos et al. 2015; Hudspith et al. 2021; Leverick 2020; Willmott et al. 2021), it is clear to see why Temkin and Krahé (2008) concluded in their seminal text that rape myths contribute in a major way to trial outcomes. 2ff7e9595c